Called to Conversion (each of us)

This week, one story caught my eye and is that of former Editor in Chief of Christianity Today Mark Galli. Mark has decided to convert to Catholicism and his decision has created quite a buzz among the Evangelical world. While we in the "Catholic bubble" often surface what's imperfect about our Church, it's refreshing to see someoene who is drawn to it.

The thing is, conversion is not just limited to those outside of the Church. Chesterton had a lot to say about conversion including the following gems:

  • “To become a Catholic is not to leave off thinking, but to learn how to think.”

  • “The Catholic Church is the only thing which saves a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age.” 

Dorothy Day, while being a staunch defender of the poor, was deeply devotional and faithful to Church teachings. One quote in particular stands out:

  • “Most cradle Catholics have gone through, or need to go through, a second conversion which binds them with a more mature love and obedience to the Church.”

This “second conversion” is that of metanoia, or ongoing conversion to Christ. It applies to each of us and is a beautiful invitation to let Christ transform each fiber of our being.