Featured Professionals at Kean University & Iowa State University

Each month, CCMA’s Connect Newsletter features inspiring stories from professionals around the nation. The March edition features the following:

Kean University (NJ) Catholic Campus Ministry

From their campus minister, Lucia Pasternak, “This year, we hit a "record" for how many students we saw in one day here at Catholic Campus Ministry at Kean University. At our Ash Wednesday services in the student center, we had 75 community members attend our events- a big feat for us! We held two services during the day, while our Chaplain held the Sacrament of Reconciliation between each service. It was such a joy to see so many students in one room, praying together and kicking off the Lenten season. Thanks to learning some new techniques for advertising and outreach to students from CCMA programs, we were able to hit this milestone. Students were excited that we offered the chance to "take on" things together for Lent as a ministry- such as collecting for our CRS Rice Bowl initiative, commiting to attend weekly Bible studies together, or join in on reading daily Lenten reflection books as a group. We hope and pray to see more students throughout Lent attending our already growing weekly events.

The Lord is doing wonderful things for our ministry here, and I look forward to seeing what else He has in store for Kean University. Please keep us in your prayers!”

Iowa State University (IA) St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Student Center

From their Director of Campus Ministry, Emily Klaus, “It is a privileged place to be as part of student's lives in this short, but pivotal time in life. It is a joy to see the light bulbs turn on, see their desire for Jesus increase, and their hearts lit on fire for some purpose, career, or vocation. As campus ministers, we play the long game. There is a current student in our ministry that could be described as very "Gen Z." I learn new acronyms and dance moves every time I see him. He started showing up out of an obligation to attend Sunday mass, but has stuck around for the community. It has been a journey of meeting him where he is, challenging him, and learning new ways to reach students. I can't wait to see where God will take him by graduation in a few years. I continue to increase in faith by the example of my students and am humbled to continue to serve!”